
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Caroline is 2months Old

Wow! Talk about time flying by! My sweet, sweet baby Caroline is 2 months old! She is the best snuggle buddy and I could just hold her all day. She is basically sleeping from 8:30pm-5:00am and then taking a bottle, then going to back to sleep until around 9:00am. She takes a nap around 10:30am, 2:00pm and a cat nap around 6:00pm. She is the easiest baby and her sisters adore her! They are like little mothers over her. :) I am so thankful that God gave us another healthy baby girl to love and raise.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Caroline's Hospitalization

My sweet baby Caroline was hospitalized at 3 weeks old. She began running a fever during the night and that morning I rushed her to the pediatric clinic where Dr. Nikki Ivancic evaluated her. After she was finished, we were sent to the hospital. While we were there they performed a spinal tap, chest X-ray, CBC, blood cultures and urine cultures. We were admitted on Thursday, June 26 and discharged on Monday, June 30. All of her tests came back negative and the spinal tap that was sent to Mayo did not show viral meningitis or any other infection. Once Caroline's fever broke on Sunday afternoon, we were able to go home the next day. It was determined that she basically caught a fever virus from Mary Kate because she had had one a few days before. We are so thankful nothing major was wrong with our sweet baby girl and are so glad to be home!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Beach Trip #1 June 18-22, 2014

Last week we went for a short beach trip to Sandestin, FL. Johnny had a work conference, so all of us tagged along for a quick (Wednesday-Sunday) beach trip. Baby Caroline was only 3 weeks old, so we had a sitter come to the room everyday and sit with her while the two big girls went to the beach and pool. We had a blast! Gigi and Grandaddy were there too, so of course, the girls LOVED having them to play with too. It is always more work when you take little kids to the beach, but it was definitely worth it! :)


Monday, June 23, 2014

Caroline is 1 Month Old

Time flies when you are having fun! Or when you are taking care of a newborn, a 17month old and a 3 1/2yr old! A whole month with baby Caroline has already flown by! My sweet, baby Caroline is just a joy. She is sleeping well at night and is starting to wake up out of her newborn "coma" (as I like to call it). Caroline is starting to stay awake more during the day and I love watching her little facial expressions. She smiled at me for the first time on June 21. It was a real smile and it just melted my heart. She is a very content baby so far and will actually sleep in her car seat. My other two would NEVER sleep in the car seat so this is very appreciated.
Happy Birthday to Me :)

Baby feet and toes are precious

Monday, June 9, 2014

Caroline's 2wk Check Up

Today we went for Caroline's 2 week check up (technically 2weeks and 3days). She has been eating and sleeping well so I figured this would be a quick appointment. Miss Caroline weighed 9lbs 3oz and was 20.5in long. She is doing wonderful! Dr. Ivancic checked her out and said she was growing and developing perfectly! We are so thankful to be blessed with another healthy baby girl!