Anne Cambria turned two the beginning of December. I wanted to start potty training her a little before her birthday but I was just too exhausted with being 8 months pregnant. Then it was the holidays, then her sister arrived and then we made the crazy/insane decision to pack up and move so I really felt like it has been too chaotic to potty train Anne Cambria. But then the other day Johnny made the comment that she was "getting too long for her changing table pad" and it made me realize that it was definitely time to potty train. I had read about several different methods and I had decided on the "Three Day Method" which is basically going to without a diaper or pants for three straight days, not being able to leave the house for the first two days and going to the potty every 30 minutes. So, I found an 8 day stretch where I would be home with the girls and could devote all my attention to potty training.
So on Friday, March 8 I woke up with the determination to potty train my strong willed child in 3 days. Needless to say, it was a MAJOR DISASTER. To start things off, Anne Cambria woke up very ill tempered that day. Everything was "No!". "No Caillou!" "No breakfast" "No play!" etc, etc. I should have taken the hint then that today was not the day to start potty training. But since I was "determined" to potty train her, I tried anyways. She was NOT a fan. She kicked and screamed "No potty! No potty! No like the potty!" every time we entered the bathroom. She even went as far as to say "Give me my diaper! I want my diaper". After about 3 hours worth of fighting a 2 year old, I called MY mom. :) She told me to back off because I didn't need to "traumatize" her from the toilet. And that's exactly what I did.
So, for about 4 days I didn't even mention the potty. But when we went back to preschool after Spring Break I mentioned to Tina and Martha that we were starting to potty train and they said they would "encourage" her. Well, when I picked her up from school that day she had tee teed in the potty all day long for them!!!! I was thrilled. I thought we had for sure turned the corner on potty training. WRONG!! She still threw a massive fit at home every time we entered the bathroom. So for 3 weeks, she would tee tee in the potty at school and church but not at home. But finally, after some major "negotiating" (aka bribery) with a 2 year old, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Anne Cambria is now tee teeing in the potty all the time! We are still wearing pull-ups (which I think are totally a crutch and I can't believe I gave in to them), but when we are at home we pretty much wear "big girl" panties. I am so proud of my Big Girl but it really does make me realize how grown up she is getting. :(
But this potty training business has taught this mama a real life lesson....When it comes to raising children, patience is key! And needless to say this has been a hard lesson for me to learn. But it has been worth it and I am so happy for my sweet Anne Cambria's potty training success!! :)