
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 13, 2013

6 Month Check Up and Stats

I have already done Mary Kate's 6 month post, but I needed to add in her check up because it was 9 days after she turned 6 months old! She is a very healthy baby. Dr. Ivancic was impressed with her sitting skills and leg strength. I asked him about our swaddling issues (for those of you that don't know, Mary Kate HAS to be swaddled to sleep or she screams!!!). He said it was not a big deal and that I could swaddle her until she was 20 years old ha! He also said since her arms are swaddled it is highly unlikely that she would be able to roll over in it. So, no fear Mary Kate, I am not taking your swaddle away just yet! :) And on to Mary Kate's weight and length.....lets just say she is on the upper side of things. HA! She weighed 19lbs and 5oz (90th %tile) and was 27 1/4in (80th %tile). I think most of that weight is in her cheeks ;) She is in 6 month sleepers, she can wear 3-6month dresses and all of her other clothes are 6 months. Mary Kate got all of her vaccines at her check up and did great. She didn't run a fever, she just slept a lot the next two days. We are so happy and thankful to have another healthy baby girl!! :)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Family Beach Trip-June 21-29, 2013

We took our first vacation as a family of four to Sandestin, FL. It was a great time, but it was definitely exhausting with a 5 1/2month old and a 2 1/2 year old. My sister, brother-in-law and neice/nephews plus my parents and Johnny's parents were all in the Sandestin resort area as well! It was a lot of fun having the entire Burk/Barrows family down there. Mary Kate preferred the pool just like her Mama does. Anne Cambria actually preferred the pool over the beach too, but she would stay and build sandcastles for a little while. :) Here are some photos from our week in Sandestin!


Ready for the beach!

Mary Kate became an "official" sitter at the beach! YAY! :)

Chillaxin ;)

cousins on the beach

cotton candy in Baytowne!

Anne Cambria and Granny (AC looks just like Johnny in this picture)

Family Picture :)


Anne Cambria caught a sand crab!


My precious baby girls :)


Daddy with his girls



Last picture of the week

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mary Kate is 6 Months Old

I cannot believe my baby is 6 months old already! Half a year has gone by too quickly! Mary Kate is the happiest baby and a great sleeper. She is down to three 7oz bottles and we are having baby food at all meals. She LOVES banana Mum Mums and we are practicing with our sippy cup. She has an afternoon yogurt cup instead of a bottle now. Mary Kate is taking two naps a day and sometimes takes a quick cat nap right before dinner. She still despises tummy time but now that we are an official "sitter", she likes the view much better! She can roll from stomach to back and back to stomach, however once she gets to her stomach she just rolls right back to her back. :) She loves to sit on her mat and pull toys to her mouth. We are fully teething and chewing on everything. Her front bottom two teeth have almost popped through. She has been surprisingly pleasant through the teething though. We got for our check up on July 9 so I will update with stats then. :)
Naps: 2 a day
9:30am-11:00am and 1:30pm-3:30pm
Bedtime: 8:00pm
Wakes up between 7:00am-7:30am
Bottles: 9:30am, 1:30pm and 8:00pm
Likes: her mat, jumperoo, Baby Einstein and watching Big Sister
Dislikes: tummy time

Happy 6 Months Mary Kate!! :) We love you!