
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, August 25, 2008

School and the Grove

So school started back today, and the campus is buzzing! I didn't realize how peaceful Oxford is during the summer until all the students come back to campus in the fall. It was such a beautiful day today though (for the most part), even though it was a long day of classes. It was the first day back to Pharmacy School since May, and I am definitely having an adjustment. For the first time since the wedding, I had to wake up before Johnny did! It was not fun. But, it was kinda fun with both of us being up that early in the morning together. We cannot wait for the weekend! The first Ole Miss home game and Grove day....Hotty Toddy!!! Our 50 yard line tickets are screaming our name! Hopefully the week will speed on by and the weekend of fun times will arrive! Can't wait!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another Weekend Gone

Well, I am now well rested from a long weekend at the Beau Rivage for Natty's bachelorette weekend. We had a blast...but I didn't realize how big the Beau really was. I hate to say, I did not gamble any money....I was too big of a chicken. But I still had a great time. While I was in Biloxi at the Beau, Johnny went to Greenwood to visit the new duck camp his dad just bought for him. I haven't been to see it yet...I told him to drop me off at the Alluvian for a nice spa treatment and to just pick me up on his way home ha! Oh well, I think duck camp is for "guys" anyways. I start school next Monday and I am not happy about it. I plan on being very worthless for the rest of the week (like I haven't been all summer ha ha!). Well, the next time I blog, I'll probably be a busy bee studying my life away until May...but hey, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel! :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our First Weekend to Ourselves

So we had our first weekend to just be at home, have fun, and not be traveling, and it was so nice! For once this summer I feel like we aren't living out of a suitcase! I do not have much planned this week, I'll probably just be lazy and enjoy not being back in school....yet! But no worries, I'm sure I'll get bored and get on here and post something. So just check back! :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

First Post

Well we are new to the world of blog posting, but hopefully we'll catch on soon. Johnny has been out of town all week on business so I have been keeping myself busy trying to figure this whole thing out! Its going pretty good so far.....but I'll keep updating.