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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

18m Checkup

Today we went for Anne Cambria's 18m checkup. She did really great except for screaming in Dr. Ivancic's face while he listened to her heart. But by the end of the visit, she was "talking" her head off to him. Dr. Ivancic was very impressed that she can say phrases such as "stroll outside", "bye bye Daddy" and "hey mama" and that she can say "a, b, c, d". He was always impressed that she tries to put her shoes on and can point to 10 body parts (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, hair, head, toes, knee, and belly button). Anne Cambria can also identify the letter "A" and the letter "B". She tries to count. We can say "one, two, three", but sometimes we start with "two" instead of "one" ha! My feelings were slightly hurt because Dr. Ivancic said Anne Cambria needed to be in a toddler bed now. :( It makes it more "real" that my sweet, baby girl is growing up. So I am calling tomorrow to order the toddler conversion kit for her crib. Sad! He also said that I could start trying to potty train her if I wanted to, although most girls are not potty trained until they are 24-30months old. She has been showing signs of readiness (telling me when she has tee teed and having a bm around the same time every day) for a few weeks now, so I am going to try in July once we are home from the beach and I am off work for a while. All in all, Anne Cambria had a great 18m checkup. I am so grateful for a healthy and happy baby girl (I still refuse to use the "toddler" word). Here are her stats:

Height: 32inches (65th %tile)
Weight: 23lbs 4oz (20th %tile)
Nap Schedule: 10:00am and 3:30pm
(still sleeping about 1 1/2hrs per nap)
Favorite Foods: strawberries, blueberries, pork tenderloin, mac&cheese, green beans, puffs, cheerios, french fries, and mandarin oranges

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