
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, September 6, 2013

Mary Kate is 8 months old

Time is flying! First I cannot believe that it is already September and much less that my sweet baby girl is 8 months old! She is still such a happy girl! She is doing well with table food even though we still don't have any teeth. I can see a few are right at the top of her gums, but none have broken through just yet. Mary Kate is trying her best to crawl, but she still prefers standing more than anything. She can crawl backwards and she rolls everywhere, but she hasn't mastered forward crawling yet. She can go from lying on her stomach to sitting up and vice versa. Mary Kate has mastered the sippy cup. She had that milestone down way quicker than Anne Cambria! She loves food and drink! It must be the italian in her blood ha! Anyways, she is still quite a chunk, but we are mainly still in 6 month clothing. 6 Month footed sleepers are getting a bit snug, but pretty much everything else fits. So here is a recap:

Naps: 2

Bottles: 3
9:30am, 4:00pm and 8:00pm

Bathtime/Bedtime: 7:30pm and 8:00pm

Table Food: banana, mandarin oranges, grilled chicken, lima beans, green beans, yogurt, mozzarella cheese, crackers, strawberries and toast

Likes: being on the move, standing, bath time, chewing on things
Dislikes: not being able to keep up with Big Sister, diaper changes

We were a couple days late taking these pictures due to Preschool starting and moving to our new house!

Get me out of here!

happy baby :)

She is on the move!


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